
Myths and realities on government finance

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National Review/Brian Riedl/11-6-2020

“The public debate on taxes, spending, and deficits consists mostly of lazy conventional wisdom that is largely incorrect.”

USAGOLD note:  With that as the intro, Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, goes on to debunk in short order seven myths about government finances …… For those of you who did not see the November issue of News & Views, we delve into the subject of government finances and what it might mean for the gold market over the long run. The chart featured below is one of a group you might find interesting.

overlay chart showing federal government expenditures and receipts 1970 to Q2-2020Sources: St. Louis Federal Reserve [FRED], U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Click to enlarge


The post Myths and realities on government finance first appeared on Today’s top gold news and opinion.