
What Happens to Gold during Inflation?

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“If inflation’s taken off, why in the world isn’t gold at $5,000, $6,000, $7,000 per ounce?”
— Scottsdale Bullion & Coin Founder Eric Sepanek

Because gold inflation is already a problem for the Fed, and it doesn’t want gold prices any higher than they already are.

Just compare the opening price of gold at the start of January 2020 to that of January 2021: $1,527.10/oz versus $1,943.20/oz. That’s a 27% jump.

Closing at $1,888.45/oz on May 19, 2021, the price of gold is still hovering below its 2011 high—the all-time high before gold prices hit $2,067/oz last August.[1]

Why is the Fed suppressing the price of gold?

Central Bank Gold Demand

Figure 1: Gold’s demand is linked to investment and consumption
Composition of average annual net demand*

Gold investment and consumption demand

*Based on 10-year average annual net demand estimates ending in 2020. It excludes over-the-counter demand.
**Net jewellry and technology demand computed assuming 90% of annual recycling comes from jewellry and 10% from technology. Source: World Gold Council

Because central banks need to keep gold prices low, so they can keep buying gold—and central banks have bought a lot of gold.

Central Bank Gold Holdings

Central Bank Gold Holdings Chart

Central bank gold holdings have soared 22% since the last financial crisis. They’ve bought gold almost as fast as they’ve printed money.

Coincidence? Not at all.

The Fed’s not just hedging against the very financial mess it created with gold; it’s keeping gold prices in check to mask America’s EVER-WEAKENING DOLLAR, explains Scottsdale Bullion & Coin Founder Eric Sepanek in the video above.

See Sepanek and precious metals advisor Steve Rand reveal the central bank COVER UP OF THE CENTURY in the video above. Watch Now.

Your Gold Inflation Hedge

How long can the Fed suppress gold inflation?


That means now is the time to buy your gold inflation hedge. Before we see real gold prices.

Just don’t rush into bullion with the masses. Because that’s one market where you will be paying more for less…UPSIDE POTENTIAL…

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Gold Inflation: What the Fed Doesn’t Want You to Know

Prices for just about everything are up. The Consumer Price Index is the highest it’s been since the last financial crisis ( See: )

Why hasn’t gold inflation hit yet?

Because the Fed doesn’t want to pay $7,000 for every ounce of gold it buys, and central banks are one of the biggest buyers of gold ( See: )

Why is the Fed buying so much gold? (Hint: it’s not just to hedge against inflation.)

Get the answer from precious metals advisors Eric Sepanek and Steve Rand. Watch now.