
$2,000+ Gold Shocks the Experts

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<p>Just before last week&rsquo;s Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S., gold was poised just below the key $2,000 level.</p>
<p>In fact, it was trading right at $1,999, which prompted me to post this on Twitter/X:</p>
<p><img class=”mx-auto p-3″ src=”×501.jpg&quot; alt=”Brien Lundin Tweet/X: Gold Chart” width=”560″ height=”501″ loading=”lazy” /></p>
<p>Dad jokes aside, there was really no reason to party. That&rsquo;s because $2,000 is one of the truly &ldquo;big&rdquo; numbers &mdash; extremely important both technically and psychologically.</p>
<p>Gold&rsquo;s been here before, at $2,000… above it… and back down again.</p>
<p>So $1,999 was no great achievement. We&rsquo;d need to clear $2,000 well and good, and keep going, before gold bugs could safely put on their party hats.</p>
<h2>Befuddling the Experts</h2>
<p>All this said, it didn&rsquo;t take long to change things. In abbreviated trading on Friday, gold jumped a few dollars above the key $2,000 mark.</p>
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<p>While that excited gold bugs, it didn&rsquo;t shake the entrenched bearishness of mainstream analysts.</p>
<p>In fact, I was struck by an industry-focused article quoting predictions from a number of Wall Street &ldquo;experts&rdquo; that gold&rsquo;s rally would go no further.</p>
<p>Here&rsquo;s one example:</p>
<p>”Our economists only expect the first rate cut to be implemented in the middle of next year, so only then is the price of a troy ounce of gold likely to climb lastingly above $2,000,” said Commerzbank commodity analyst Barbara Lambrecht in a note Friday.</p>
<p>Again, gold didn&rsquo;t take long to make them look stupid.</p>
<p>In fact, it soared to $2,017 in early trading today, before the typical early-New York slam erased about half of the gains.</p>
<p>As I write, gold&rsquo;s trading right at the next resistance level between $2,010 to $2,020, up over $10.00.</p>
<p>Interestingly, while some of today&rsquo;s mainstream commentaries are begrudgingly acknowledging gold&rsquo;s gains, they are crediting this to a weak dollar. However, the Dollar Index is essentially flat today.</p>
<p>You&rsquo;d think they would&rsquo;ve checked before coming up with such a simple claim.</p>
<p>Frankly, I find that the vast majority of talking heads and market pundits are completely missing the factors behind gold&rsquo;s current rally… and the powerfully bullish fundamentals arguing for much higher prices over the months to come.</p>