
Americans May Soon Regret Trusting the Fed & Holding Cash

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<p>Over the longer term, gold and silver aren&rsquo;t the only assets which have been trading in a range. Stocks have also been struggling to establish a trend either higher or lower over the past 3 years.</p>
<p>Demand for publicly traded stocks and demand for physical bullion aren&rsquo;t always correlated, but stock investors and metal investors do have something in common. Both groups are grappling with uncertainty, and that means some people are on the sidelines.</p>
<p>The Wall Street Journal <a href=”; target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>reports</a> investors sitting on record amounts of cash.</p>
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<p>They are a bit worried and don&rsquo;t know what else to do.</p>
<p>There isn&rsquo;t consensus in the financial press. One story suggests investors punch the accelerator while the next urges them to pump the brakes.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, ordinary Americans who increasingly say they disapprove of &ldquo;Bidenomics&rdquo; don&rsquo;t seem to be buying the government statistics the media is reporting.</p>
<p>Surprisingly strong GDP, ultra-low official unemployment and federal CPI reporting which shows price inflation coming down are all examples of data which doesn&rsquo;t match Americans’ lived experience.</p>
<p>Many of the people making the bullish case for owning stocks don&rsquo;t seem to be buying the official statistics either. They aren&rsquo;t suggesting the U.S. economy is great. Instead, their argument hinges, in large part, on the thesis that as the economy hits the skids, the Fed&rsquo;s response will be to cut interest rates.</p>
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<p>Mainstream America may regret placing so much confidence in the central planners at the Fed. There is far more to a healthy economy than interest rates, but these days little else seems to matter.</p>
<p>The record amount of cash on the sidelines isn&rsquo;t entirely attributable to uncertainty. People have been incentivized by higher interest rates available in money market funds.</p>
<p>However, Americans might be well served to contemplate how safe this cash really is. Money market funds aren&rsquo;t going to keep pace with inflation over the long run. Nor are they immune from credit risk, which could manifest at any time.</p>
<p>Bullion investors would like to see some of this capital pour into the gold and silver markets. They are looking for a catalyst which pushes people away from conventional assets and toward alternatives.</p>