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Over the past fifty years, if you lived in India, South Africa, China , or Turkey, there was not a single decade you lost money owing gold five decades in a row!
Further, since it became legal again to own gold in the U.S., the gains have well exceeded the two losing decades.
Gold is a store of value to be handed down through generations. The same cannot be said about stocks and bonds.
And, have you noticed that silver is gaining on gold, as measured by the gold-silver price ratio? A declining ratio means silver is gaining on gold, on a percentage basis. Only a few years ago, the GSR was in the 60s. Now it’s above 90.
To monitor the gold-silver ratio, download CMI’s app to your smart phone. If an Apple phone, go to the Apple Store and search for “CMI gold prices.” If an Android, go to Google Play and search for “CMI gold prices.”
Our app provides gold, silver, platinum, and palladium prices at your fingertips, plus access to our website.