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Seeking Alpha/Calvin Ayre/4-21-2020
“Therefore, I advise people amass gold now not because I have no faith in human civilization, but precisely because I do. The division of labor will live on, and amassing the means through which it will survive, is going to make its current holders very, very rich in real terms. If and when the dollar is destroyed, human civilization will not simply end. It will continue to use gold as money, just as it does right now, but without the dollar intermediate. Unfortunately, most people will be very poor, because they only have the intermediary. Those people will have to work for those who have the real thing. The real thing will then filter down and through the new economy.”
USAGOLD note: This is an extraordinary argument in favor of gold ownership and gold’s value as money. Ayre strips away all the fluff on what money is and should be leaving the reader with a practical, down-to-earth philosophy on why it should inhabit significant space within the overall asset portfolio.