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<p>Gold prices are flirting with all-time highs once again and investors are wondering if this time might be different. Perhaps gold (and silver) can finally break out of the range where they have been mired over the past 3-½ years?</p>
<p>A breakout to higher prices is, in our view, both overdue and inevitable.</p>
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<div class=”flex-1 mx-auto w-32 h-32 md:w-full md:h-full”><a href=”"> <img class=”mx-auto” src=”" alt=”2023 Gold American Eagle Coin – 1 Troy Ounce, 22k Purity” width=”200″ height=”200″ data-original=”" loading=”lazy” /></a>
<div class=”text-base font-semibold mt-2 text-gray-900″>2023 Gold American Eagle Coin – 1 Troy Ounce, 22k Purity</div>
<a class=”block text-sm lg:text-base mt-2 btn-orange hover:shadow-lg” href=”"> View Details </a></div>
<p>However, the timing of a breakout remains impossible to predict. It is safe to say we are closer than we were three years ago, but predictions are difficult even if we were dealing with free and fair markets.</p>
<p>The metals markets can be looked at as a microcosm of the larger problems facing the nation. Corporations and powerful elites like things just as they are. They aren’t going to make any fixes.</p>
<p>The reckoning is coming for deformed, stimulus-addicted, and corrupt markets, regardless of which way asset prices move in the short run.</p>
<p>Given that could happen at any time, it would be smart for anyone who is still all-in on stocks, bonds, and cash to diversify their portfolios into hard assets and reduce counterparty risk.</p>
<p>It always makes sense to avoid being totally unprepared for turmoil in financial markets. Even if that means picking up gold at prices near the recent highs and holding on if the price gets smashed.</p>
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<div class=”flex-1 mx-auto w-32 h-32 md:w-full md:h-full”><a href=”"> <img class=”mx-auto” src=”" alt=”1 Oz Platinum Bars (Design Our Choice)” width=”200″ height=”200″ data-original=”" loading=”lazy” /></a>
<div class=”text-base font-semibold mt-2 text-gray-900″>1 Oz Platinum Bars (Design Our Choice)</div>
<a class=”block text-sm lg:text-base mt-2 btn-orange hover:shadow-lg” href=”"> View Details </a></div>
<p>Or investors can grab <a href=”">silver bullion</a>, which is more volatile, but looks cheap relative to gold.</p>
<p>None of us can predict the timing of the coming collapse in confidence and its attendant havoc in conventional markets. But we can feel confidence dwindling, and we don’t see anyone in leadership is talking about genuine solutions, let alone taking steps in the right direction.</p>
<p>Congress isn’t going to pass a balanced budget. The Fed isn’t going to fulfill its mandate for stable prices. The rest of the world isn’t going to stop looking for alternatives to the weaponized U.S. dollar. And government regulators aren’t going to save us from the sociopaths running Wall Street.</p>
<p>If these things ring true, there isn’t much left to do but prepare.</p>