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Sprott Gold Report/John Hathaway/1-22-2021

image showing stack of gold coins and chart indicating analytical approach to the investment“The fate of the stock market and the outlook for gold are more intertwined than most realize. A major headwind for gold has been the consensus comfort level with potential returns from mainstream investment strategies. While gold has performed well over the past few years, gold’s outperformance is still a well-kept secret. If a general bear market sets in, many more individual and institutional investors will look towards gold and related mining stocks. In the meantime, macroeconomic and valuation factors continue to build in gold’s favor.”

USAGOLD note:  We referenced this report in yesterday’s Daily Market Report and repost it here for those who may have missed it. Hathaway makes a strong case for gold based on macroeconomic fundamentals and says that “persistent low bond yields could lead to a double or triple rise in gold prices even in the absence of a financial market meltdown.”


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