
The social fabric of the U.S. is fraying severely, if not unravelling

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The Intercept/Glenn Greenwald/8-28-2020

“But those events unfolded and built upon one another over the course of a decade. By crucial contrast, the current confluence of crises, each of historic significance in their own right — a global pandemic, an economic and social shutdown, mass unemployment, an enduring protest movement provoking increasing levels of violence and volatility, and a presidential election centrally focused on one of the most divisive political figures the U.S. has known who happens to be the incumbent president — are happening simultaneously, having exploded one on top of the other in a matter of a few months.”

USAGOLD note:  Most of us realize that something is amiss but Greenwald breaks down the sordid details in this unsettling psychological profile of the U.S. population.