
Why the tanking Japanese yen should concern investors

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Yahoo!Finance/Jared Blikre/3-31-2022

“The Bank of Japan (BOJ) was in a bind on Monday. Its currency, the yen, was crashing while yields on their government bonds were surging. The solution — four days of unbridled bond buying by the BOJ to stem the hemorrhaging and contain interest rates. While the gambit worked (for now), Wall Street is waking up to this potential canary in the coal mine.”

USAGOLD note: Quitely, while all eyes are on the Ukraine, the rising inflation rate and problems in the U.S. bond market, another bond market crisis has been brewing in the land of the rising sun. Inspired by deliberate Bank of Japan policies to save its bond market, the yen is dropping like a rock. The collapse could create reciprocal action to weaken other currencies, like the yuan. China devalued back in 2015, the “surprise move,” says Blikre, “upended global risk markets and sent many stock markets around the world plunging into bear territory.” As if the financial market did not have enough on its plate ……

line chart showing the sharp decline in the Japanese yen since early March
Chart courtesy of Trading



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