◆ Popular and liquid bullion formats should be taken possession of and also stored in liquid, secure storage in their own country and at least one other safe jurisdiction
◆ Zurich remains the most liquid and safest places in the world to own gold and silver coins and bars
Mark O’Byrne
◆ Silver bullion is set to outperform gold and vastly over valued risk assets of stocks and bonds in the coming years
Monday, February 24th
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Silver Bullion - The Most Undervalued Asset In The World Today?
◆ Silver bullion is set to outperform gold and vastly over valued risk assets of stocks and bonds in the coming years ◆ The record nominal high of $50 in 1980 and again in 2011 will likely be seen in the next two years ◆ Never miss breaking precious metals news and updates from GoldCore: https://info.goldcore.com/gdpr-email-subscription-preferences ◆ In the same way you dollar, pound, euro etc cost average to acquire your silver bullion holdings; you should dollar cost average your reduction in allocations in the coming years ◆ It may be prudent to sell some of your holdings at around $48/oz, some at around $90/oz, at around $135/oz etc. and re balance into gold or other assets ◆ This only applies to those many silver bullion buyers who are overweight and have a large allocation to silver - say over 10% or 20% ◆ Investors with small allocations of closer to 5% should only sell a small amount if the price goes parabolic or if they need the cash in a crisis for day to day expenses or needs ◆All investors should have a core financial insurance allocation to gold and silver coins and bars; Avoid digital gold, platform gold and gold tokens ◆ Popular and liquid bullion formats should be taken possession of and also stored in liquid, secure storage in their own country and at least one other safe jurisdiction ◆ Zurich remains the most liquid and safest places in the world to own gold and silver coins and bars
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